Typography / Final Compilation & Reflection

4/4/2023 - 4/7/2023 : (Week 1- Week 14)
Ting Wen Yi / 0361799
Typography/Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Final Compilation & Reflection


Task 1: Type Expression and Text Formatting

Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication (Text Formatting and Expression)

Task 3: Type Design and Communication (Font Design)


Task 1: Exercise 1 - Type Expression
4/4/2023 - 25/4/2023 : (Week 1- Week 4)

Figure 1.1 Final Type Expressions JPEG, Week 3 (18/4/2023)

Figure 1.2 Final Type Expressions PDF, Week 3 (18/4/2023)

Figure 1.3 Final Animated Type Expression "Crush" GIF, Week 4 (25/4/2023)

Task 1: Exercise 2 - Text Formatting
25/4/2023 - 9/5/2023 : (Week 4- Week 6)

Font/s: Futura Std, Bold
Type Size/s: 60 pt
Leading: 48 pt
Paragraph spacing: 0

Font/s: ITC New Baskerville Std, Roman 
Type Size/s: 11 pt
Leading: 0
Paragraph spacing: 0

Font/s: Adobe Caslon Pro, Regular
Type Size/s: 11 pt (10pt only for abbreviation) 
Leading: 13 pt
Paragraph spacing: 13 pt
Characters per-line: 52
Alignment: left justified

Margins: 54 mm top, 18 mm bottom, 15 mm left & right 
Columns: 2
Gutter: 10 mm
Figure 1.4 Final Text Formatting Layout JPG, Week 5 (3/5/2023)

Figure 1.5 Final Text Formatting Layout PDF, Week 5 (3/5/2023)

Figure 1.6 Final Text Formatting Layout (Grids) JPG, Week 5 (3/5/2023)

Figure 1.7 Final Text Formatting Layout (Grids) PDF, Week 5 (3/5/2023)

Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication
2/5/2023 - 28/5/2023 : (Week 5- Week 8)

Font/s: Futura Std, Extra Bold Condensed ; Gill Sans Std, Light
Type Size/s: 135 pt, 36pt
Leading: 0
Paragraph spacing: 0

Lead-in text
Font/s: ITC Garamond Std, Bold Italic
Type Size/s: 14 pt
Leading: 16 pt
Paragraph spacing: 0

Font/s: Adobe Caslon Pro, Regular
Type Size/s: 12 pt  
Leading: 14 pt
Paragraph spacing: 14 pt
Characters per-line: 45
Alignment: left justified

Body (in the small box)
Font/s: Gill Sans Std, Light Italic
Type Size/s: 10 pt  
Leading: 13 pt
Paragraph spacing: 13 pt
Characters per-line: 36
Alignment: left justified

Margins: 16 mm (top, bottom, left & right) 
Columns: 2 per page
Gutter: 13 mm

Figure 2.1  Final Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication - JPEG, Week 7 (18/5/2023)

Figure 2.2  Final Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication - PDF, Week 7 (18/5/2023)

Figure 2.3  Final Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication (with Grids)  - JPEG, Week 7 (18/5/2023)

Figure 2.4  Final Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication (with Grids) - PDF, Week 7 (18/5/2023)

Task 3: Type Design & Communication
15/5/2023 - 26/6/2023 : (Week 7- Week 13)

Font Download Link: Download Here!

Figure 3.1 Final Task 3: Type Design and Communication (JPEG) - Week 12 (20/6/2023)

Figure 3.2 Final Task 3: Type Design and Communication (PDF) - Week 12 (20/6/2023)

Figure 3.3 Screenshot of "New Metrics Window" with Sentence - Week 12 (20/6/2023)

Figure 3.3 Final Poster Design (JPEG) - Week 12 (20/6/2023)

Figure 3.4 Final Poster Design (PDF) - Week 12 (20/6/2023)

Type Playground

 You can type characters from the following set: "AETKGRIYPMN.,!#".

Figure 3.5 Type Playground - Week 12 (20/6/2023)


This semester has taught me a lot about typography. I learned that typography is not just about picking fonts and arranging letters; it's an art form that needs patience, creativity, and attention to detail. Trying out different typefaces and creating my own helped me understand the complexities of typography better. Getting feedback from others also helped me improve and see things from different perspectives. Overall, this semester has been a valuable experience that has made me appreciate the importance of typography in visual communication.

One significant observation I made during this semester is the immense impact that typography has on visual communication. The choice of typeface, letterforms, spacing, and layout greatly influences the overall readability, mood, and message of a design. I observed how even minor adjustments in typography can significantly enhance or detract from the effectiveness of a piece. 

Through my exploration of typography, I have made several key findings. Firstly, I have learned the importance of selecting the appropriate typeface for a specific context and purpose. Each typeface carries its own personality and conveys a distinct visual tone. Understanding the nuances of different typefaces and their suitability for various design applications is crucial. Secondly, I have discovered the significance of proper spacing and kerning to ensure legibility and visual harmony. Attention to details such as letter spacing, line height, and paragraph spacing greatly enhances the readability and aesthetic appeal of typography. Lastly, I have found that consistency and coherence in typography across a design project contribute to a cohesive and professional visual identity.


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