Video and Sound Production - Project 1

8/8/2023 - 15/10/2023 : (Week 2 - Week 7)
Ting Wen Yi / 0361799
Video and Sound Production/Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Project 1: Audio Editing


Exercise 1 - Audio Dubbing

Exercise 2 - Sound Shaping


Exercise 1 - Audio Dubbing

In this Project 1 exercise, We are tasked with recording sound clips to create sound effects that will enhance a video clip. We are to record our dialogue using our phones, and find some audio effects in the links given.

Sound effects are to be sourced from:

I watched the video and transcribed the dialogue they had, making it easier for me to record without the need to keep referring back to the video.

Figure 1.1 Dialog - Week 2 (10/9/2023)

I recorded all the dialogues in my phone and named each of them.

Figure 1.2 Recordings - Week 2 (10/9/2023)

Mr. Martin said we need to create a spreadsheet for the audio. Therefore, i made one in Google Sheets, for me easier to add in the sound effects afterwards.

Figure 1.3 Audio Spreadsheet - Week 3 (16/9/2023)

I use a pitch shifter to make my voice sound like a girl, the father and the other two men. I tilt slightly for the girl because Mr. Martin has mentioned that if you make it too much, it will sound like a chipmunk.

Figure 1.4 Pitch Shifter - Week 3 (16/9/2023)

Mr. Martin stated that tracks 1-4 are for audio, tracks 5-8 are for sound effects, and tracks 9-10 are for ambient sounds. Therefore, I rearranged the sequence and made changes to some of the audio based on Mr. Martin's feedback. Additionally, I added one more track for the girl because I adjusted the phone effect when she says hello in the telephone scene. I also added audio transitions to the front and back of every audio.

Figure 1.5 Timeline - Week 4 (22/9/2023)

Figure 1.6 Final Outcome - Week 4 (22/9/2023)

Exercise 2 - Sound Shaping

Record your own voice for 5 seconds for Exercise 2 submission.
  • Voice of phone call.
  • Voice coming from inside of closet.
  • Voice of toilet/bathroom.
  • Underground cave.
  • Alien/ Orc voice

Figure 2.1 Phone Call Progress - Week 6 (13/10/2023)

Figure 2.2 Inside of Closet Progress - Week 6 (13/10/2023)

Figure 2.3 Toilet/Bathroom Progress - Week 6 (13/10/2023)

Figure 2.4 Underground Cave Progress - Week 6 (13/10/2023)

Figure 2.4.1 Pitch Shifter - Week 6 (13/10/2023)

Figure 2.4.2 Parametric Equalizer - Week 6 (13/10/2023)

Figure 2.4.3 Alien Reverb - Week 6 (13/10/2023)

Figure 2.4.4 Flanger - Week 6 (13/10/2023)

Figure 2.4.5 Alien All Progress - Week 6 (13/10/2023)

Final Sound Shaping: Google Drive Link


Week 4: You have to add in ambient sounds for every scene. Also, the sound of the footsteps of the girl sounds like a drum. You have to rearrange the sequence of the track. Tracks 1-4 are for audio, tracks 5-8 are for sound effects, and tracks 9-10 are for ambient sounds.


I've learned to use Premiere Pro to edit, add sound effects, and learn to use transitions while adjusting the volume and applying some effects. As I spent hours crafting and fine-tuning my video, I encountered moments of frustration when things didn't quite align or the effects didn't meet my expectations. I think it taught me to be patient, as I needed to pay attention to all the little details. After I finished all the editing, I felt a sense of accomplishment. Seeing how my work had transformed a no audio video into sound effects to bring a video clip to life was satisfying. With Exercise 2, I learned how to use Adobe Audition and apply sound effects using Parametric Equalizer and Reverb. I found it quite enjoyable, especially when working on the alien effect. It was quite amusing to me.


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