
Character Design - Task 2 : Character Design Development

16/5/2024 - 19/6/2024 : (Week 4 - Week 9) Ting Wen Yi / 0361799 Character Design/Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Task 2: Character Design Development LECTURES Week 6 - Outfits and Attires INSTURCTIONS TASK 2 : CHARACTER DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Task 2 is a continuation from Task 1, where we explore the hero poses and facial expressions. 1. Poses Exploration Based on the characteristics of my character, she is an Egyptian god, so she is meant to be elegant. Since I haven't decided on a weapon yet, I created two different weapons with four poses each. I also added some sand elements to represent the location and her element, geo.  Figure 1.1 Poses Exploration - Week 4 (20/5/2024) Figure 1.2 Poses Reference - Week 4 (20/5/2024) Figure 1.3 Poses Reference - Week 4 (20/5/2024) During the class, I did more exploration of the poses. I chose poses 2 and 3, removed the spear, and replaced it with a book. Additionally, I created two more extra poses after Miss Anis asked us to try to d

Vehicle and Props Design - Project 1 : Pre-production

22/4/2024 - 15/6/2024 : (Week 1- Week 8) Ting Wen Yi / 0361799 Vehicle and Props Design/Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Project 1 : Pre-production INSTRCTIONS You are to create a suitable vehicle and props design for the world that you have proposed across for character design and anatomy (optional) or you can have it separate.. Your vehicle and props should communicate its functionality that reflect the world proposed. Note that for vehicle (man-made mechanical ), you are to choose 1 minimum from any of these types (land, air, water), whilst props are the components suitable to your vehicle where you will be continuously developing till your Final Project. Here you will be showcasing your ideation process as listed below: Moodboard and style guide Thumbnail Sketches ( 20 drawing in 2 sheets) Silhouettes (10 pieces in 1 sheet) Rough Value painting (5 chosen from the silhouettes) - 1 sheet Design breakdowns - min 1 sheet Submission: Pdf collections of all the listed items. E